The Huntley Park District recently presented two community service awards. The awards are in conjunction with Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) and Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD) and is “In recognition and appreciation of outstanding contributions and unselfish devotion for the advancement of parks, recreation and leisure in the community and the state of Illinois”.
The first award was presented to the Kainz Family Foundation for the grant they provided through the Huntley Park District Foundation. This grant helped fund the Special Needs Cheer program and the Elite Cheer Program. This is the first year of the Special Needs Cheer Program and is in conjunction with Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association (NISRA). Special Needs Cheerleaders are assisted by "buddies" from the Elite Cheer program with their stunts and cheers. The program provides all cheerleaders an experience of a lifetime that affects each one of them in a very special way.

Pictured are Debbie Kraus, Huntley Park District Recreation Director, Sue Kainz, Lynnann Holzapfel, Huntley Park District Cheer Coach and Thom Palmer, Huntley Park District Executive Director.
Also recognized was the Huntley Senior Citizens' Club for their donation to the Huntley Park District Foundation. These funds are used for varied activities for seniors and the community.

Pictured are Huntley Park District Commissioner Jim Blasky, Huntley Park District Recreation Director Debbie Kraus and Huntley Senior Club President Alice Jordi.